The paper provides easy-to-understand daily life indexes such as the ultraviolet ray index, morning exercise index, sun protection factor index, carwash and heat stroke indexes. 该报纸提供了一些诸如紫外线指数、晨练指数、防晒指数、洗车指数以及中暑指数等简单易懂的每日生活指数提示。
Often this simply enables a sunscreen with a sun protection factor ( SPF) to dry clear and disappear into the skin rather than forming a white paste that takes all day to rub in. 通常这会增加防晒霜遮阳剂的防晒指数(SPF),使防晒霜更易干,可以融入皮肤,而不是在皮肤上糊一层白,要一天时间才能吸收。
Depending on the colour of your skin, you will decide on the level of protection ( sun protection factor SPF) that you need. 根据你皮肤的颜色,你可以选择不同等级的防晒产品(防晒系数SPF)。
Test method for ultraviolet blocking and sun protection factor of textiles 纺织品防紫外光率及防护系数试验法
SPF is really sunburn protection factor, even though we call it sun protection factor. SPF实际上是“防晒伤指数”,虽然我们常称它为“防晒指数”。
This mea using a su creen with a high sun protection factor and a lying it uniformly ( 9) on the skin. 这是指使用含高效防晒成分的防晒产品,并且把它均匀地涂在皮肤上。
She said that the use of sun creams and moisturisers with a sun protection factor also reduces UV absorption and so vitamin D production. 她说,使用含有防晒因子的防晒霜和保湿露也能减少紫外线的吸收和维生素D的合成。
Thanks to its sun protection factor, the Two Way Cake offers a protective layer on skin. 蕴含防晒因子,对肌肤形成一层保护膜,有效防护紫外线;
You definitely won't get a sunburn because this suntan lotion is SPF ( sun protection factor) 30. 你绝对不会被晒伤的,因为这个防晒油的防晒系数是三十。
Study of comparison between in-vivo testing and SPF-290 analytical system in determining sun protection factor SPF290分析系统与人体试验测定日光防护指数的比较研究
S: The point of view is given that mixing organic sunscreens with a certain particle physical sunscreens can manufacture the products with high safety and good sun protection efficacy based on the part of factor analyzing of influence sunscreen products security. 根据影响防晒产品安全性的部分因素分析,提出将有机防晒剂与一定粒径的物理防晒剂复配可以制得安全性高、防晒效果好的防晒产品的观点。
Study for Evaluating Effects of Sun Protection Agents by Means of Method of Sun Protection Factor 用SPF值(防晒指数)法评价防晒剂防晒效果的研究